Why Hair Loss Happens?

Losing hair insanely can result in hair thinning and baldness. Suitable hair loss treatment can be a good option for this problem. Why does hair loss happen? What are some advanced methods to fix it?  

This article discusses the major reasons for hair loss and how it can be cured. If you want to know why people lose hair so fast, this topic is for you.



hair loss treatment

Causes of Hair Fall

The hair grows from hair follicles (roots) present in the scalp and many factors can affect the growth cycle of a person. Let’s go through the most common reasons for hair fall:

  • A very stressful event often triggers hair loss.
  • Family history (heredity) might be at play for hair loss.
  • Radiation therapy to the head often leads to hair fall problem.
  • Medications and supplements of certain kinds may become a reason.
  • Certain hairstyles and treatments are harmful to the hair and cause hair fall.
  • Hormonal changes and medical conditions can lead to abnormal hair loss problems.

Curing Hair Fall  

If you are going through a severe form of hair fall and you are worried that you may get thin or bald at some areas of the scalp, you should not worry anymore because there are different options to try.

A suitable hair loss treatment in Dubai is what you need to try if you are serious about overcoming hair fall problems safely and effectively. Here are common and useful options to consider:

  • PRP treatment for hair loss
  • Oral medications for hair growth
  • Mesotherapy injections for hair fall
  • Low-level laser therapy for hair loss
  • Topical medications for hair growth



The Bottom Line

This article discussed the major reasons for hair loss and how it can be cured. If you want to know why people lose hair so fast, this topic might have helped you.

For more details, you can call or visit a hair growth expert in your area. Reading more articles and watching videos on this topic can also help you learn more.